Appointment in English

Veterinary Care in English at the ARKA Clinic.

Welcome to the ARKA Veterinary Clinic! We are delighted to offer services to our international clients. Our dedicated team includes licensed veterinarians, Dr. Basia Gołaś and Dr. Krzysztof Smoliński who are ready to provide expert care for your pets.

Appointments and documentation

Our team is happy to conduct consultations about your pet's health. For your convenience, we offer the option of preparing and providing documentation such as medical records, treatment plans and any necessary information related to your pet's care in English.

Meet Our Team Members: 

Dr. Basia Gołaś, DVM - is a licensed veterinarian with a deep passion for animal well-being. With extensive experience and a compassionate approach, she is commited to delivering specialistic care to your pet.

  • She obtained her diploma from the Faculty Veterinary Medicine at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław in 2023
  • Areas of interest include opthalmology, veterinary dentistry and internal diseases 
  • During her studies, she volunteered in clinics in Wrocław and Gdynia. 
  • Dr. Gołaś completed a two-months internship under the supervision of a veterinary dentist at a Clinic in Uppsala, Sweden
  • After graduating, she took up a position at a 24-hour veterinary Clinic in Vännäs, Sweden, where she spent six-month internship  
  • In her free time, dr. Gołaś enjoys climbing, cooking and planning hiking trips

Dr. Krzysztof Smoliński, DVM - is a skilled veterinarian dedicated to ensuring the health and happiness of your pet. His expertise and love for animals make him an excellent choice for your veterinary needs. 

  • In 2023, he graduated from the Faculty Veterinary Medicine at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław 
  • During his studies, he engaged in voluntary work and took part in an internship, collaborating with surgeons and orhopedic specialist in Wrocław and Gdynia and Uppsala, Sweden.
  • He is a participant and member of the AO VET Foundation (veterinary orhopedics)
  • After graduation he took party in a six-month internship at 24-hour Clinic in Vännäs, Sweden.
  • Throughout his studies in Wrocław at the University he actively participated in numerous conferences related to veterinary medice, soft tissue surgery and orthopedics
  • Privately, he is an enthusiast of rock climbig and video games.

How to schedule an appoinment:  

Simply contact our Clinc by phone call 56 65 99281 or by email . Our friendly staff will answer you when you can meet with dr Gołaś or dr Smoliński in ARKA Clinic.

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